{% extends "base-gray.html.twig" %} {% block title %} Profil : {{app.user.surname}} {{app.user.name}} | {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{%if app.user.profession is not null%} {{app.user.profession}} {%else%} Profession {%endif%}
Help the community Laboratory 646-06 to know you while answering these questions :
{%if app.user.description is not null%}{{app.user.description}}{%else%}Empty{%endif%}
{%if app.user.civility is not null%} {{app.user.civility}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.surname is not null%} {{app.user.surname}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.name is not null%} {{app.user.name}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.email is not null%} {{app.user.email}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.birthday is not null%} {{app.user.birthday|date('d-M-Y')}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.codePostal is not null%} {{app.user.codePostal}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.country is not null%} {{app.user.country}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
{%if app.user.profession is not null%} {{app.user.profession}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}