{% extends "base-gray.html.twig" %} {% block title %} Profil : {{app.user.surname}} {{app.user.name}} | {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block body %}
{% if app.request.hasPreviousSession %} {% for type, messages in app.session.flashbag.all %} {% for message in messages %}
× {{ message|raw }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{%if app.user.surname is not null%} {{app.user.surname}} {%else%} {%endif%}

{%if app.user.profession is not null%} {{app.user.profession}} {%else%} Profession {%endif%}

Unverified identity
{%if app.user.codePostal is not null%}{{app.user.codePostal}}{%else%}Cp & city{%endif%} | Member since the {{app.user.registrationDate|date('M d, Y à H\\h:i')}}
Profil picture

Download a photo that clearly shows your face.

  • Taken of face
  • On which you are smiling (e)


Avatar refused example
{{form_start(form3)}} {{form_errors(form3)}}
{{form_errors(form3.file)}} {{form_widget(form3.file, {'attr': {'style': 'position:absolute;rect(0,0,0,0)'}})}}
{%if edit is defined and edit == 1%}

Help the community Laboratory 646-06 to know you while answering these questions :

  • What do you come to make on Laboratory 646-06?
  • What do you make on your free time? (Leisure, passions, other)
  • Why does the posteurs have to choose you?
{{form_start(form2)}} {{form_errors(form2)}}
{{form_errors(form2.description)}} {{form_widget(form2.description)}}

27 / 600 characters to the maximum

{{form_errors(form2.state)}} {{form_widget(form2.state)}} {{form_label(form2.state)}}

{%if app.user.description is not null%}{{app.user.description}}{%else%}Empty{%endif%}

{{form_start(form1)}} {{form_errors(form1)}}
{{form_errors((form1.civility))}} {{form_widget(form1.civility)}}
{{form_errors(form1.surname)}} {{form_widget(form1.surname)}}
{{form_errors((form1.name))}} {{form_widget(form1.name)}}
{{form_errors((form1.email))}} {{form_widget(form1.email)}}
{{form_errors((form1.birthday))}} {{form_widget(form1.birthday)}}
{{form_errors((form1.codePostal))}} {{form_widget(form1.codePostal)}}
{{form_errors((form1.country))}} {{form_widget(form1.country)}}
{{form_errors((form1.profession))}} {{form_widget(form1.profession)}}
{{form_widget(form1.state)}} {{form_errors((form1.state))}} {{form_label(form1.state)}}

{%if app.user.civility is not null%} {{app.user.civility}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.surname is not null%} {{app.user.surname}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.name is not null%} {{app.user.name}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.email is not null%} {{app.user.email}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.birthday is not null%} {{app.user.birthday|date('d-M-Y')}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.codePostal is not null%} {{app.user.codePostal}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.country is not null%} {{app.user.country}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}

{%if app.user.profession is not null%} {{app.user.profession}} {%else%} Empty {%endif%}
