{% extends "base-gray.html.twig" %} {%block title%} Delete my account - {{parent()}} {%endblock%} {% block body %}
{% if app.request.hasPreviousSession %} {% for type, messages in app.session.flashbag.all %} {% for message in messages %}
× {{ message|raw }}
{% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
Delete my account
We hope that Laboratory 646-06 is at the height of your waiting. You are all the same free to delete your account while clicking here if you wish it. No e-mail will be sent you.

You won't be able to use your account anymore and to annul your demand of deletion anymore and all your data will be deleted.
As customer, assure yourselves of have been repaid of the jobs paid on line and non done. If you don't make it, we won't be able anymore to repay you after the deletion of your account.

{% endblock %}